Aquí se discute todos los temas relacionados con la musculación (entrenamientos, dietas, suplementos nutricionales, etc.)

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Forero Avanzado
Forero Avanzado
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Registrado: 19 Ene 2006 16:02


Mensaje por Niño79 » 27 Feb 2006 08:34

Buenas a todos.
Queria saber si alguno ha tomado HMB si ha notado algo o es otra mentira de marketing para comprarlo?, me han comentado que es para no perder masa muscular, ya que ahora empezare la etapa de definicion y haria mucho aerobico e inclusibe haria pesas lunes miercoles y viernes y martes y jueves body pump.

Bueno queria saber el tema del suplemento HMB y que opinais de realizar lo que he comentado antes pesas y body pump.?

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Forero Vicioso
Forero Vicioso
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Mensaje por karkian » 27 Feb 2006 22:09

El HMB no tiene un efecto directo sobre el anabolismo/catabolismo,su efecto principal es la sintesis de colesterol.

Forero Avanzado
Forero Avanzado
Mensajes: 339
Registrado: 19 Ene 2006 16:02

Mensaje por Niño79 » 28 Feb 2006 12:37

pero el HMB tiene un aminoacido ramificado leucina que sirve para el catabolismo, mejor recuperacion y aumento de fuerza o por lo menos eso es lo que he leido, y a que te refieres con el tema del colesterol?

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Forero Vicioso
Forero Vicioso
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Mensaje por Victor-21 » 01 Mar 2006 08:21

karkian escribió:su efecto principal es la sintesis de colesterol.
No conozco este suplemento pero atando cabos con lo que comentas karkian....

Si uno de los principales impulsores de la testosterona (una de las sustancias mas anabolicas del cuerpo humano) es el colesterol y el hmb hace sintetizar colesterol....algo si estará relacionado no creeis?

Es una simple teoria que acabo de pensar.


Forero Avanzado
Forero Avanzado
Mensajes: 339
Registrado: 19 Ene 2006 16:02

Mensaje por Niño79 » 01 Mar 2006 09:01

Pero siendo un aminoacido de la cadena ramificada, ayuda a recuperar el musculo y mantener en etapas de definicion el volumen obtenido en la epoca de volumen.

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Mensaje por THEBANIS » 01 Mar 2006 11:17

para eso mejor tomar bcaa's, ¿no?

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Forero Vicioso
Forero Vicioso
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Registrado: 07 Dic 2004 21:17

Mensaje por karkian » 01 Mar 2006 21:27

Mejor les dejo este dato:
An understanding of HMB is critical if you are to get any benefit from it.
How does HMB affect muscle mass and strength? It isn’t through anabolism, and it appears not to be directly through anticatabolic mechanisms either. If you recall the pathway for leucine metabolism, you’ll notice that the fate of ingested HMB is mainly as HMG-CoA, a substrate for cholesterol synthesis. It appears that cholesterol synthesis may be a rate-limiting step in membrane repair after intense training. Keep in mind that muscle cells do not use circulating cholesterol for membrane repair. They must manufacture cholesterol from scratch (i.e. through the HMG-CoA pathway).
HMB won’t help if you are not training in such a way as to cause microtrauma to the cell membrane. HST however does cause frequent microtrauma and I personally have felt subjective benefits from HMB supplementation. Mostly, a sense of faster recovery and less noticeable “stiffness” in the morning after.
Take it in divided doses evenly spaced. Take at least one dose right before and another right after training. This is to take advantage of blood flow to the muscle.
I DO recommend HMB. It won't do much for guys who have been using the same weight for months without any gains, but for HST it is perfectly suited. It will help keep you lean too.
If you do decide to use it, use it during the entire cycle. 3-4 grams per day is a suitable dosage depending on your weight. If you are over 200 pounds I would recommend 4 grams. HMB's effectiveness does not increase with escalating doses above ~4 grams. Try to split it up throughout the day as much as possible. Make sure to take some right before training when blood flow to muscle is highest.
HMB does not interact with any other supplements so it can be taken with any or all other supplements.
It won't do anything during Strategic Deconditioning so don't take it then.
HMB appears to be converted mostly to beta-hydroxy-beta-methylglutaryl CoA (HMG-CoA). HMG-CoA is then used to make cholesterol within cells. This is important for muscle cells in that they cannot use cholesterol from the blood.
Here is where much of the misunderstanding about HMB comes in. HMB has NOT been shown to directly inhibit protein breakdown, and certainly does not cause protein synthesis. A study done in 1997 looked at the effects of giving lambs high doses of HMB (Br J Nutr. 1997 Jun;77(6):885-96). To their surprise, HMB did not have any effect on protein catabolism or anabolism. In essence, HMB didn’t do squat under normal conditions.
So, if you are expecting HMB to "build" muscle you are going to be disappointed. If the "noticeable effect" you are looking for is anabolism, you are going to be disappointed.
However you’ll notice that the fate of ingested HMB is mainly to be converted to HMG-CoA, a substrate for cholesterol synthesis. It appears that cholesterol synthesis may be a rate-limiting step in membrane repair after intense training.
HMB significantly decreased the exercise-induced rise in muscle breakdown as measured by urine 3-methylhistidine and CK during the first 2 wk of exercise. In the studies showing an effect of HMB on muscle breakdown, the differences between the HMB group and the placebo group tend to decline over a period of about 3-4 weeks until at about 4-5 weeks there is no difference in the above markers of damage, including 3-MH. This reflects the fact that, if the cholesterol mechanism is true, HMB serves to facilitate rates of growth only when membrane integrity is a limiting factor. This generally occurs during the first two to three weeks of a new or unaccustomed exercise program. After that, muscles become resistant to further damage (repeated bout effect, or rapid training effect) induced by that particular program (loading regimen) and HMB supplementation loses its usefulness.
HST is characterized by a constant increase in load following a period of Strategic Deconditioning. Therefore, when followed with the appropriate frequency, you stay just ahead of the structural recovery curve. This keeps you constantly in a state of muscle damage. This appears to be the only time when HMB is useful.
In traditional routines you use the same weight until you can add more because your strength has increased. I’ve seen guys use the same weight on their lifts workout after workout for months or even years at a time. Their muscle tissue is tuff as shoe leather and there virtually NO structural damage to the tissue after any workout. They simply walk out of the gym with their butt kicked but with no new muscle to show for it…for months at a time! HMB facilitates “recovery” from frequent heavy bouts of training typical of HST. I have experienced increased exercise tolerance when using it. No I didn’t measure anything, I just felt better and stronger with fewer aches and pains

Forero Avanzado
Forero Avanzado
Mensajes: 339
Registrado: 19 Ene 2006 16:02

Mensaje por Niño79 » 02 Mar 2006 09:29

Karkian he estado leyendo el articulo que has posteado, y por ejemplo indica que solo sera util cuando hagas un entrenamiento progresivo en las cargas, y en las 2 o 3 primeras semanas del nuevo entrenamiento, yo tengo que decir, que he empezado a tomarlo el lunes, ok, pues vamos a ver lo estoy tomando en el desayuno, en la comida y en la cena, durante esta semana no se si puede ser por el HMB o por otros motivos, pero he aumentado los pesos y repeticiones en esta semana de entreno, te pongo un ejemplo: el lunes hice espalda-trapecio-biceps, pues bien, en espalda he subido unos 5 kilos en cada ejercicio, o he llegado mejor y menos agotado en los ejercicios en donde llegaba a la ultima repeticion mas agotado, y en biceps igual, solo hago un ejercicio de 2 series entre 8 y 6 repeticiones pues la semana pasada me costaba llegar con un peso a 6 repeticiones, en esta semana he realizado con el mismo peso las 6 repeticiones mejor y mas intensas con mas peso.
Lo que he dicho antes no se si será por el HMB o porque que será, pero te digo que he aumentado, incluso mencionar que me recupero mejor, al dia siguiente de haber entrenado lo antes mencionado no estaba tan dolorido o agotado como lo estaba antes, y eso como os he comentado he entrado superando los pesos y repeteciones, es decir, mas intenso.
Aqui dejo mi opinion y me gustaria que me replicarais.

Gracias y un saludo
