The Grand Pai Lee

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The Grand Pai Lee

Mensaje por Juancho » 08 Nov 2002 15:59

jua juaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

A ver Pai Lee si te dejes de hablar de ti, porq ya aburres, no me importa si eres tal o tal cosa, si eres el 1er instructor, si has entrenado con tal y cual, etc etc..eso dejaselo a los q les importa de quien vienes, como am i tampoco me importa de donde viene el wt, sino q me importa q es efectivo. Asiq dejate de hacer propaganda porq no te sirve de nada, sy sotbretodo si no has podido demostrar ninguno de tus super argumentos, o sea, te estais haciendo propaganda de mentiroso. Pero te pongas nerviso...

Estas celoso de que esa organizacion es la mas rica, es culpa de ellos ser los mejores en marketing? es culpa de ellos q les de la cabeza para esas cosas y a los demas de wc no? o eres el tipico niñito pobre q como no ha tenido plata discrimina de envidia a los ricos?..y como ya se te ha dicho, el markinting sirve para atraer gente, despues tienes q demostrar...y eso ha hecho el wt, sino por algo grandes profesores de otros estilos despues de muchos años se han pasado a wt, se enseña el grupos de policia como el fbi, raid, etc, etc....

"Que te crees que nunca a cobrado uno de los de WT?" Claro que si, sin duda que si, yo he dicho lo contrario? porq no respones en base a lo q se te dice en ves de contestar pavadas....como tambien ha cobrado el grande de wc con emin! jeje
"eres tonto o gilipollas pa que voi a ir a un cursillo de mierda vuestro?" ya q andas dandole mala fama al wt, y tu has empezado con eso, porq nadie le dio mala fama en ese mensaje al wc, tu empezaste desprestigiando al wt, en ves de hablar pavadas porq no vas y demuestras tu superioridad, todo lo q te han enseñado los grandes conq estubiste, de hecho eres el 1er instructor de zuiza!...bueeeenismooooo!!! porq n vas y lo pruebas? o tampoco te animas? como tampo te has animado a probar todas las pavadas q aqui as dicho??

"O por que te crees que Kerni tiene que ir con guarda espaldas!"
tantaaa gente va con guardaespaldas...lo q tu dices son pavadas...porq sea representante de un estilo tampoco tiene q andar peleandose por ahi con todo el mundo...para el caso, para q van dame tiene guardaesplada? paraq bill clinton tien guardaspelad? etc etc..not e olvides q tambien es uno de los empresarios mas grandes, y ha sido premiado por eso... no seria logico usar guarda espalda para evitar secuestros, etc, etc?
Quizas si el idolo Cheung hubiese usado uno, lo hubiesen podido separar antes de Emin jjeje..pobrecito...

"Pero no te prucupes que alcun dia va aver un loco que tenga que perder menos que yo y entonces os vais a enterar." Yo no me precoupo en lo mas minimo... q vayan, y prueben, como se ha dicho nadie es invencible... a mi no me preocupan si pierden..o se q igual es efectivo... pero como tu bien has dicho, creo q tiene q ser un "loco"...porq uno como tu no iría nunca, dado a q tu sabes el riesgo de comerte una paliza q tienes...tu sabes, eres de eso q hablan y hablan pero a la hora de los papeles te callas la boca...

saluditos super 1er instructor y super alumno de los mas super grandes maestros...pero eso si, q nunca han demostrado nada...y celosos del exito de los demas


Mensaje por Lucho » 08 Nov 2002 16:20

Tienes razon amigo, es un pobre frustado. Dejalo, se ve que es tan bueno si estilo y el es tan bueno q no ha podido demostar q su estilo es mejor (sin embargo el empezó ese tema, que raro empezar un tema sin depues poder porbarlo) y se ve que no lo ha podido demostar dado a que muchos alumnos no debe tener, quizas sean esos los celos hacia la organizacion, pero ya ves, intenta hacerse propaganda hablando mucho de el, dando su direccion, etc etc....propaganda pura! pero no ha probado nada

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Mensaje por admin » 08 Nov 2002 16:33

A ver si es posible que este tema no acabe como el anterior. En fin, intentando decir lo que se piensa, pero moderando las formas, que sino esto es un concurso a ver quien se insulta más, y lo peor de eso es que es aburrido.

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Registrado: 23 Oct 2002 12:45

Mensaje por PAI LEE » 08 Nov 2002 18:04

Hola Chavales

Joder otra vez! mira que sois pesados los de WT!

lla entiendo como se puede vender un producto que no vale nada todos estos años, con unos clientes como sois ustedes.

Primero que el combate Boztepe - Cheung es el unico combate que teneis para presentar. Con la organisacion mas grande del mundo y mas de 500000 practicantes, es simplemente triste.
No fue ni si quiera un desafio sino un atraco como el mismo Kerni el año pasado confeso cuando Emin se separo.
Han estado preparando el combate durante todo un mes Leung, Kerni y buena compania.

No es que William Cheung me sea mas simpatico que Kerni y Leo pero me parese que no teneis ni idea.

Bueno chavalotes del WT ustedes lo quereis pues aqui; lo que piensa y dice Emin sobre el combate en un interviu con la prensa italiana

Let's talk a little about your new federation (EBMAS). Can you please present it to the italian readers and tell us how it's going on in the world?

Emin Boztepe : Presently EBMAS has actual branches in 23 countries. I'm negotiating seminars in 7 more counties, so I think we'll reach 30 in about 7-8 months. On the website you can find information about the philosophy of the federation, that is very democratic. It's not a dictatorship like other federations, prices are lower than elsewhere, there are different prices for kids under 14, students, families....everything is much more social. One of the most important things is the teaching of theories behind the movements (while others just teach a set of moves and techniques); I want that everybody understand how much scientific Wing Tzun is.

Can you explain the difference between your Wing Tzun and the Leung Ting one?

Emin Boztepe : As I said before I teach very scientific. LT and K say the same, but in reality almost every instructor in EWTO doesn't know nothing about science behind the movements, or they keep it secret to their students. "My" EBMAS-Wing Tzun is much more clear and honest, and I think this is the way it should be.

Let's talk about rumors about you. It is said that you've never completed the whole unarmed system and that you've never studied the long pole and the butterfly knives....

Emin Boztepe : It's a lie. I've got films of LT teaching me the Long Pole, and papers signed by LT in which it says that he taught me authentic long pole.
I've learned Bart Cham Dao too, but not from Leung Ting.
The point is: I gave an enormous contribution for the expansion of the IWTA, I travelled all around the world and I had many fights; moreover, K is a manager and an organizer and this made the IWTA spread worldwide. Maybe if I was a student of Lok Yu, Wong Sheung Leung or someone else, and if these masters would be able to organize better, ther federation would be this big as well.
LT's WT became international thanks to me and the organizational skills of K, who then used every kind of thing to claim he' got the best WT in the world.
But now the no.1 federation is EBMAS, because I was their best fighter and all the other fighters (who were trained by me in my schools and not by Kernspecht in Langezell) now are with me or left the IWTA / EWTO and Build there own Organization!

We even heard that, since you had not been training with Kernspecht for a long time, you learned some higher level programs from other masters like Sifu Oliver Konig and Sifu Filippo Cuciuffo.

Emin Boztepe : It wasn't me who didn't train with K. K is still my Sifu, he was supposed to teach me, but he didn't. The reason he's very clear: he's afraid of me. Speaking of Konig and Ciciuffo, they only think about money. They don't care about their students and they don't train seriously, so they would be no match against me, any how, who are they anyway!

In some of LT's books and Videos he speaks about a stuff called "Tripodal dummy". Here in Europe nobody has seen it....what about you?

Emin Boztepe : Oh, I saw it many times. It's a useful stuff to train steps, turns and kicks. The poles act like they were opponents the practitioner has to avoid and hit. You can also train with an higher number of poles and even on top of them, moving from one to another forming the shape of a plum flower; this kind of training is useful for the wooden dummy too.
Obviously you can't always have a forest of poles in the floor, but you can still train this kind of movement by practising various kind of steps and turnings.

Is it true that Keith Kernspecht plotted against you from behind?

Emin Boztepe : Yea. He plotted behind my shoulders, giving interviews about me without letting me know, using my pictures to promote himself, paying and controlling european martial arts magazines in order to not showing me on covers. He even blackmailed his own Sifu, Leung Ting, forcing him to expel me from his organization. That's the way Kernspecht moves: from behind. It was because of his blackmailing that Leung Ting is now against me, and my expulsion is the result of Kernspecht's plot. At the 25th anyversery party he put about 15 Seciurity guards to stop me an and start a fight in case I showed up, even Leung Ting called me in my Hotel in Hamburg to Warn me.
Filipo Cucufo, Victor Guiterez and the others where called in a Emergency VIP meeting and didn't do anything to protect me. Really Cheap people isn't it! I Know Kenspecht is quiet to the outside at the moment but he is pushing his Servants to Harm me and the corse of EBMAS, but they will not succeed, K is not even trusting them but the poeple stayed and joined me are with EBMAS and me out of free will and respect!

We are sure that you've heard this question a lot of times, but this one of the most famous event about you: your fight with William Cheung. Even now, twenty years after that fight, it is rumored that you attacked him by treachery and even that he won the fight. Can you tell us something more about this neverending story?

Emin Boztepe : Sadly rumors will never stop....but eighty people can witness what really happened. Some students of William Cheung eventually come with me.
You see how I move, I don't need to attack someone from behind or using any trick. The funny thing is that during this years I always told the same version of the story, while William Cheung and his students always change the story (I attacked him from behind, using a photo as a trick, with a knife, with fifteen people, with a bazooka, with a tank....)!
I say this once for all: I definitely beat William Cheung up. But it's not my enemy! It was an enemy of Leung Ting and Kernspecht, and in that time they used me. They didn't know how good William Cheung was and, not wanting to fight him in person, they sent me, knowing I was so loyal (I was only 22). And even now, they don't care about students but only about money. I know what I say, because I stayed with them for over 20 years, even if I never was one of the toady ones who are the closest to him. I have my dignity and I know I'm in right when I say that Kerspecht is a liar and a profiter. Even his books are not al his idea, he simply took theories and ideas from otherones and published them with his name.

If you could turn back time, would you fight with William Cheung again?

Emin Boztepe : I have to say that sixteen years ago he deserved what he got, cause he was talking bullshit about my family at that time. But he's not a personal enemy of mine: I wish him all the best and an happy and successful life.
Surely now I'd not fight anymore if one would offend Leung Ting and Kernspecht. But I'm ready to fight anyone who would attack me, my family or my students.

What about your relationships with other masters of Wing Tsun Leung Ting?

Emin Boztepe : Oh, I've got a lot of good friends there. Anyway I won't accept in the EBMAS people who are already 5TG; they are masters, they know the wooden dummy form, they have completed the system. They should open their own organization, and I would help them because they are still my kung fu brothers. I didn't betray my family, it betrayed me. Look at here in Italy: Filippo always told he was my brother, but he ordered to his student in Livorno to rip off my posters from the walls. I never had anything against him, I always helped him a lot (without my seminars the technical standard of Italy would be really worse) and he paid me back in this way, forgetting the typical sense of honour of the Italian people.

During one of the last seminars in Livorno with the WTOI, we heard rumors that Sifu Oliver Konig and Sifu Schembri had talked bat about you. Is it true?

Emin Boztepe : I can't believe Sifu Schembri did this. If it's true I'm really troubled and sad, because we've always been friends, I always helped and talked nice about him.
On the other hand, I'm not surprised about Sifu Konig. He's a fat coward and I'm sure that if he was in front of me he would piss in his pants.

Can you speak a little about your new student programs? They are very different from the EWTO ones.

Emin Boztepe : My programs are very much refined. Every successor of a Grandmaster, from Yim Wing Chun to Leung Ting, changed the way of teaching the style. Leung Ting did it too. At first he did it very well, but eventually he was corrupted by Kernspecht. I modified the way of teaching, in order to make it very much refined and useful for the students. Kernspecht has stretched the system, to make the students always look stupid in front of the teacher and to earn more money from them. He also introduced funny and useless things like Blitzdefence, that has nothing to do with WT but it's only useful for Kernspecht's ego and to make him more rich by selling his book. "Blitzdefence" is not his book indeed! According to roumors from the UK it is a Manuscript from Mr. Jeff Thompson who wrote it, Kernspecht just bought the copyright and change the name with "Kernspecht Blitzdefence". Well as the same goes for his Lord, Prof. & Dr. titles they are supposedly al bought with Money. Who is he thinking he is fooling!
My programs are more traditional and effective: not just combinations of techniques, but science and theory behind the movements.

What about Escrima?

Emin Boztepe : For Latosa Escrima I have full support by Grand Master Rene Latosa. He left EWTO too because he saw that Kernspecht didn't have respect for his honour and dignity; he even offered him money trying to stop him from supporting me.

So why do you think Master Bill Newman is still within the EWTO?

Emin Boztepe : Because he's a puppet in the hands of Kernspecht, like Oliver Konig and many else.

We know that in the USA Leung Ting wants to introduce, for the student levels, the study of the Escrima sticks and even a simplified form of the Bart Cham Dao technique....

Emin Boztepe : For 22 years I've been presented as one of the top students by Leung Ting. Now that he expelled me, he had to change his way of teaching and attract students with something I didn't learn from him: the butterfly knives. In order to obtain new schools (he lose a lot of WT students in the USA after he dropped me out) he's even selling 1TG diplomas to people with the 9 student level! Very Sad!

What do you think about the loyalty between master and student?

Emin Boztepe : I think a master should deserve loyalty. Students are loyal only if you show them you are loyal. Kernspecht and Leung Ting don't care about students, they only care about money. And the same is for Kernspecht to-daei's, who stay with him not for loyalty, but only for a matter of money.
I know that many readers will think I'm disrespectful, but they are wrong. I've been fighting for justice for all my life, I was put down so many times for racism, and then I found out that my own Sifu used me for so many years to make money. He didn't make me famous, I made me by myself travelling around the world. Kernspecht didn't make the fight I did, never paid my share to Leung Ting. I've suffered, I lost my papa in an accident, Kernspecht told to the World I'm like his son??? Well this is the way he deals with his Kid's! He wrote down 28 pages of lies about me. And I'm not beeing disrespectfull, it's just the truth, and I have no problem to say it.
Kernspecht would never dare to come in front of me and tell me about all the lies about me he's telling around. Why is he not had a meeting with Leung Ting, Gm Rene Latosa, Bill New Man, Master Steve Tappin and all the Top Ranking Instructors and Me for Open Talks? Well because he had to hide many things. I was the one Offered a meeting for open talks but Kernspecht refused!

We know you are organizing Wing Tzun tournaments. Can you tell us something about it?

Emin Boztepe : Next year we'll start. They will be no rule fights, the end will be only for give up or KO. There will be protection for head, chest and groin, but even with the helmet you will see a lot of KO's.
At first there will be small tournaments in every EBMAS school, which will send the best fighters to the regional and national championships. In 2004 in Los Angeles hopefully there will be the first World Championship, with the support of the best martial arts magazines in the world.
This Turnaments are nt Mendatory, it is for the young fighters to prove them selves and to see which attacks and deffencive moves are working under stress. So we can improve the beginner levels programs much better it is like a Car manyfactorer who is doing Crash tests at the same time as Racing in Formula one to improve ther Skill, Tecnics and so on.

What about your movie career?

Emin Boztepe : Oh, I'm already a star....look, you are interview me! Obviously I'd like to make movies, like everybody else. But if you look at my calendar, my only free days are
Christmas and New Year's Day, I have to travel all around the world....I don't have time to shot a movie. Of course if a famous producer come and say me:- Mr. Emin, here's a leading part for you, we start shooting today-, maybe I would think about it....but for now, my life is Wing Tzun.

Sifu Emin, thank you for the good chat, see you soon.

Emin Boztepe : Thank you. Stefano & Francesco

Stefano Bertone and Francesco Mecucci

Interview with Ivan Zimmel

1. How long have you been practicing martial arts and why did you start?

Emin Boztepe : I've being Practicing Martial Arts since 1976 at age 14. My Late Father made me take Martial Arts Classes, since I was coming home from School always with thrown closes. So, he sad if you fight always at leased defend your self better and don't come home with thrown closes its getting Expansive! So, the rezones I've started the Arts was Self Protection.

2. Why did you finally decide to devote to Wing Tzun and Escrima?

Emin Boztepe : After having studied several different Arts I was looking at age 16 for some thing more Effective than Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Judo, Boxing....In 1980 I find my way to Wing Tzun Kung Fu & Latosa Escrima, I liked the idea and philosophy in this System.

3. You are excellent fighter, it is said that you never lost a fight. Is it true?

Emin Boztepe : Well I never lost a Physical Fight, but I think any kind of Physical fight between two Human beings is a Lost Fight!

4. Recently you have established your own organization EBMAS. Can you tell us more about it?

Emin Boztepe : Yes, EBMAS means Emin Boztepe Martial Arts System. In EBMAS we teach the scientific way of Wing Tzun & Escrima, as it should be toughed to the students and not how a humans interpretation is on the movements rather the Physic of Nature (Taoism / Ying & Yang) Dynamics and Mechanics in order to borrow the opponents Force!

5. So what can we expect from EBMAS?

Emin Boztepe : You can a no Politic making, Democratic set up of ruling the Association. In Each Nation we Split according to there Geographical States, Region Or Provinces and Appoint one Coordinator which will assist in Testing and teaching as well in helping the Instructors to become Professional in Running there Schools. I've Professionals in there Field like Medicine Real Dr. for Physiotherapies, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Psychologies & Security former Special Agent of the FBI, as well Grandmaster Rene Latosa him self and Master Steve Tappin for Europe to Assist and Help me to Establish a real Martial arts Association specialized in Wing Tzun & Latosa Weapon System! We do not and want not put other Martial arts Practitioners and there arts Down, NO! We even like to help them in a good Friendly way to establish long Friendships!

6. In what is Wing Tzun taught by you different from others schools?

Emin Boztepe : As I mentioned above, it will be thought in and with scientific language and principals. But at the same time we won't loose our traditions and past History!

7. How many schools do you have? Have you also schools outside USA and Germany?

Emin Boztepe : Well, I can't really tell you how many school it is now who have signed in to EBMAS since we are a youth Family but it is getting really lot's of attentions and along in 12 weeks in our Web page we hade more than 22.000 hits. People like the Idea and Philosophy as well my Person, especially young People who looking for an Idol to find an Orientation for there Future!

8. What are your plans in the Czech Republic?

Emin Boztepe : I think that the Czech Republic and his neighboring Country's have being under suppression for many years and that here is a EBMAS who provides a tool for many young and older Citizens in those Countries go help them self to gain more self esteem and feel Secure in there Every day Life, Since WT is founder wear Two Women about 300 years ago according to Physics of Nature it is to highly effective for the Average Human being. The EBMAS System will be affordable for everyone, we have fit our Price regulations according to the Economical Situation of each EBMAS Country and the Resident of Czech republic if he Travels to the USA or Germany he'll pay the Fee he would pay in his Country, so that makes it affordable and see other EBMAS Family members and without suffering Financially, as well we have Children, Seniors and Young Couples? Families Prices so an entire family or a Retired senior Citizen can Afford EBMAS! As well we start Tournaments Which had not being in the WT system Professionally offered in Latosa Escrima we have Tournaments since over 15 years! For the Younger Generation, as you can see EBMAS really try's to provide almost everyone a realistic Chance to Practice this two Very effective and Educational Systems. Even other Martial artists Benefit from our way of teaching.

9. Do you want to give something to know to our readers?

Emin Boztepe : Yes, Please check out our hoe page you'll fond lots of information about us in many different eras and for my other Martial Arts Practitioners please be open minded and give your self a chance to learn and see more, we are not a thread to others only if they him self decide them self uses threads!

Thank you very much.
Emin Boztepe : Thank you too.


Emin has been one of martial arts most colourful and controversial characters for over twenty years and since departing from the EWTO we wondered if he has mellowed or still as fiery as ever!

I understand you have formed your own organisation in Europe - what is it called and why?

EMIN BOZTEPE: When I departed from the EWTO I could not use the registered names due to legal reasons and so I simply called it Emin Boztepe Martial Art System (EBMAS). I never

wanted to invent yet another WingTsun name and since many people in Europe know my name it seemed sensible to call it EBMAS. However, please be assured I have ‘not’ created a new style of WingTsun, I am still teaching the traditional style I was taught but I have also progressed it for today's students which includes my ‘Anti - Grappling System’.

I thought your split with the EWTO was going to be quite damaging for WingTsun especially after several letters were published—but then it stopped. What happened was a truce called?

EMIN BOZTEPE: When we first separated a twenty-eight page document of nonsense was published about me and I responded because I felt if a lie was unanswered it could be thought of being the truth and so I replied to their lies. Having had my say I stopped adding fuel to their fire and kept silent for the good of WingTsun. Now everything is looking great for the future.

So the problems are gone?

EMIN BOZTEPE : Unfortunately there are people in England (we know who they are) who are attacking their instructors who have left them to join us or go independent. They are threatening to send people to take over their clubs or they call students up saying classes are cancelled or they call the premises and tell lies about the conduct of the instructors. This behaviour is childish, spiteful and cowardly, this is the one of the reasons for the split last year and why these instructors are leaving now.

One of the qualities of martial arts is the confidence to stand up to bullies and that’s what we are doing. I once heard a quote that seems to fit today’s problems “Evil thrives when good men do nothing” we are looking after the little guys we are not doing nothing, we are providing a good home for martial artists who want to study a great WingTsun system with EBMAS, that does not hold back lessons or information unless large amounts of money is paid. I want value for money for my students and I will ensure that my instructors get the lessons they require to teach their students. I know the frustration when only a few favourites get taught the programmes whilst others get nothing because their bank balance is not so big.

This behaviour is still going on in England?

EMIN BOZTEPE: Only a few insecure people are doing this but it makes you think about their mentality, how comes a teacher is great and useful to an organisation but the minute he leaves he is perceived by the same organisation as someone with no qualifications. It just gives you an idea of how they think - perhaps its because they do not benefit financially or can no longer control them. This is their idea of martial arts - its so sad as only the students lose.

So what can we expect from your EBMAS?

EMIN BOZTEPE : As my friend and partner in Europe Steve Tappin states “We offer an honest and direct system” we have tradition we have progress and we have a variety of programmes to accommodate all interests. For instance we have an instructor programme to ensure the standard for our students growth. We have stopped this expectation that you turn up and get a grade even if you don’t deserve it. We want you to earn your grades not be given them. We want to inspire confidence and truth. When I enter a seminar I see students, potential instructors and present instructors. I don’t see them as money, I see them as part of my family and I want the best for them.

I have police and security programmes including opportunities to work with people who were part of the FBI. We offer knowledge in sports science, health and self-defence. For those that are interested we have anti-grappling and tournaments. Finally, we teach Escrima as taught by Grandmaster Rene Latosa
and his assistant Steve Tappin and I consider myself very lucky to be able to work with these guys as they are well liked, very humble and knowledgeable instructors that have been teaching throughout the world for many years. Our students are very lucky to benefit from their expertise. I know I love my Escrima and am very proud to say that I hold a 4th Technical Instructor Grade examined by GM Rene Latosa over eighteen years.

I agree that you do seem to have everything a student wants from a system. With Escrima you are still connected to the roots of your Escrima by having GM Rene Latosa head the system. But how do you respond to suggestions that you now have no roots to WingTsun since your departure?

EMIN BOZTEPE : A very good point and something that deserves an answer. I’ll start by saying that I have been the most high profile teacher for the EWTO apart from the Grandmasters. I gave the most seminars, I travelled the most and I had the most contact with the bosses throughout this time. I was, in fact, their main marketing campaigner for many years. Do you really think this would happen if I could not teach or understand WingTsun? Taking into consideration the amount of positive propaganda written on me for years by the EWTO - do you think this would be done if I had no roots?

Over the years I have learnt from various sources everything from all the traditional student grades right through the instructor grades including all weapon and wooden dummy sections. I have dedicated several hours almost every day of my life for over twenty years to WingTsun and helped promote it throughout the world. I have even learned new languages to achieve this. I must admit that some of the new ideas that the EWTO have introduced to WingTsun I do not teach as they are not really about WingTsun and diversify from the real art. Its progression for the sake of it to sell a few books.

Lets now analyse the roots. Can you say that Leung Ting is teaching traditional WingTsun in the EWTO? The EWTO is run by Keith Kernspecht who years ago invented the Lat Sao programmes and more recently the Blitz programme - please tell me what this has to do with the roots of WingTsun where did GM Yip Man teach this?

So when you ask about the roots I think I am more traditional and honest than most systems of WingTsun. I think GM Yip Man would be more proud of my students than some others could claim.

Another thought on the roots - eventually all roots die and a new generation continues. GM Yip Man is sadly gone from us but WingTsun continued. If Leung Ting retired tomorrow would Keith Kernspecht’s knowledge be questioned? I think not. Therefore, why should my years of WingTsun be questioned. I worked twice as hard, everyday, than most people so my journey was more involved, twice the work twice the input. Some people use years just to claim that they are good but they did not travel the same journey or put the same effort into it as I and some others did. I know that I have enough knowledge to see me through the next twenty years and I know I will continue to grow as a person too.

So you are obviously happy about being alone and independent now?

EMIN BOZTEPE : Well I am not alone I have many good instructors and many students and I have friends and family and good sensible and reliable people like GM Rene Latosa with me so I am not alone. If you mean alone because I parted from the EWTO family then perhaps I was more alone when I was part of them than I am now as the jealousy and greed was all around me. Their true colours are finally showing. But even in the good times I was always independent nobody paid my bills or fought my fights and as everyone knows a mans future is in his own hands and I gladly embrace my new path in life. I will continue to teach martial arts that has been a part of my life for twenty-seven years. Many years ago Bruce Lee was criticised and forced to leave his Wing Chun/WingTsun family due to the jealousy and greed of other members of the clan and GM Yip Man was forced to stop teaching him. History repeats itself and what I learn from history is that you don’t let negative influences ruin your life. It never ruined Bruce Lee’s faith and it will not ruin mine. People will forget the problems in time and judge the man.

I see you are still passionate about your art, so tell me a bit about your views on WingTsun.

EMIN BOZTEPE: For me everything in my WingTsun is very logical it’s a multi-level art that is prepared for all phases of fighting - long - distance kicks, hands, knees, elbows, throws and ground fighting. This is to ensure that we can defend against all kinds of opponents in all environments. The WingTsun I teach is very economical and you’re more protected in the way you fight in our style. I know the importance of giving people confidence and when you can protect your body, especially the vital organs, as you learn to deal with your aggressor, then you instil that much needed confidence. It is the most natural system for everyone from all walks of life. When taught well anyone can progress. I get immense pleasure in seeing people grow and improve as it motivates me and reassures me that what I teach is needed and very good. I carry a passion for WingTsun and I think people feel this when I teach and they feed of it and so this feeling continues throughout the system.

I must admit that I like what I’m hearing about your martial arts - but you are also known as a fighter.

EMIN BOZTEPE : I have been a fighter all my life, like many other people in the world, I have stood up and fought against prejudice, racism, liars and bullies and I have defended my art. In my younger days I was perhaps quicker to judge and respond to incidents and I was perhaps manipulated and influenced by others but we all go through this learning process and now I can rise above most things and deal with any problems with more maturity and humour. Life is too short for problems and fighting - its more fun to educate and train with people and share time with your family, friends and students than get caught up with fighting and politics.

You sound very focused.

EMIN BOZTEPE: I am, I like where I am and where I’m going. Nothing stays the same and I take advantage of change. My instructors and students welcome the change too, they have an energy around them that is contagious - people are working, laughing, sweating (a dying art in some WingTsun schools) and learning. We are all very focused on the future and we are extremely honest and loyal to each other. You know loyalty and respect has many forms - from me to my teacher, him to me, my students to him and him to them. Too many people forget this and think it’s a one way deal.

“I get immense pleasure in seeing people grow and improve as it motivates me and reassures me that what I teach is needed and very good.”

That’s a healthy attitude that is sadly forgotten by many people. Do you think ego is the ruin of many good men?

EMIN BOZTEPE: I think most people go through this phase in life - the key is to recognise it and get through it. As we grow we are proud of our achievements, our first black belt or our first club. Then we create black belts who in turn open new clubs perhaps ego is part of pride but some peoples ego is from their own mind - they become legends in their own minds - they want to control others and refuse to share the lime-light. For some people respect is money, titles or trophies. A few have all these bad qualities. For me respect is earned not demanded - this kind of respect is long lasting and honest. Everyone should be encouraged to grow and one-day you have to accept that your students may become more successful than yourself. This should be seen as a complement not a threat otherwise why do we teach? Many top Grandmasters and Masters do not accept this in the martial arts. I believe we must teach everything we know - we actually learn more the more we give away and more importantly the system will survive.

Talking about teaching, since you teach mainly in Europe and the USA do you feel that your students need to go to China to develop their skills in WingTsun?

EMIN BOZTEPE: At one time this may have been necessary and encouraged, I myself have been there. I think now that nearly all martial arts have been firmly established in the western world and it may be that for some it is still necessary to travel to the country of origin. But to me nowadays the origin of a nationality of an instructor is not important. What matters is that the instructor has a good education in his art and has overcome his personal weaknesses of ego, greed and jealousy and that he educates his students to the best of his ability. I have no problems with my students having a look round as it is part of their personal journey and it helps them keep an open mind which is a quality I encourage.

Often with an open mind things change, concerning martial arts, is this a good thing?

EMIN BOZTEPE: Change for change sake may not be good but change for the benefit of others must be good But what is it that changes - the art, the person, both or is it that as a person grows he understands more about his art and so a change is seen but does it mean the art has changed? This kind of change increases with maturity, technical evolution, experience, perception and understanding of your art. You often have to adapt and improvise your lessens as your students are not robots or clones and so you must cater for this. I believe the way for learning is by doing it worked for me - helped by good instruction. When I was young it was all very physical now I’m interested in philosophy and I read more and more to better myself. This has brought out the sensitive side of my personality something I hid from when I was young.

What motivates you?

EMIN BOZTEPE: Many things such as family and friends but concerning martial arts its changed for me. When I was young in my particular circumstances it was about fighting and learning about myself, as I got deeper into the art I changed. Now martial arts are not a way of life - it is my life - and that’s what motivates me most.

Thank you.

EMIN BOZTEPPE: Thank you too.

Aver voy a probar a ser educado y aunque mas de uno de ustedes me esta continuamente insultando no me voy a bajar otra vez a vuestro nivel, ni voi a hablar de mi, hay bastante basura en el WT!

Saludos amigos

Pai Lee


Mensaje por kakutogi » 08 Nov 2002 18:13


He leido los post de Pai lee y no me parece que haya dicho nada tan ofensivo, ha dado una informacion y punto,no ha desprestigiado el estilo, tampoco ha dicho que el WT no sea un estilo efectivo,que evidentemente los es,sino que es un estilo mas,como muchos otros y no el mejor como muchos pretenden.

Su opinion me vale mas que la de muchos de vosotros que cuando no habias nacido este hombre estaba ya en las artes y a sido testigo del nacimiento de esta organizacion de primera mano en Alemania y Suiza.

Lo que ya no tiene cabida son las descalificaciones personales.



Mensaje por Juancho » 08 Nov 2002 21:04

joder..q no se ingles! dime q dice!

Asi es, esl producto se ha vendido a gente como nosotros, a esos 500000 alumnos, somso todos tontos..incluso el fbi, raid, etc, todos los otros profesores de otros estilos q se han pasado...somo 500000 tontos contra 1 persona...savelotodo,fue 1er instructro en zuiza, q practico con tal y cual, q tiene una escuela q nadie la conoce y no tiene alumnos!!!! ¿Ud con que opinion se quedan, con las de los 500000 tontos o con la de el grand master Pai Lee? yo con la de pai lee joder!!!! me has onvencido contus pruebas tan contundentes...has demostrado absolutamente todo lo q hablas, etc, etc! Eres mi idolo! salvador de los 500000 tontos!

con respecto al cmbate, es cierto, es el unico q tenemos para presentar y ha sido malo, pero uds no tienen ninguno importante q valga, va! de hecho ese mismo, pero lo han perdido. O pretendes demostrarlo ocn peleas de escuela? q encima nadie sabe si son ciertas, pero aunq lo fueran... es de escualas! la de emin es de representantes....
pero de todos modos si el dia de mañana emin, leung ting, remmel, etc llegan a perder uan pelea, no por eso deja de ser malo el wt, todos pueden perder y nadie es invencible, igual q como ha pasado con creo q se haya quedado sin! nose...son tan pocos!

sin embargo has dicho algo interesante, : no voi a hablar de mi ! te felicito hermano...por fin! nadie te lo habia pedido! y ademas de todo lo q has dicho nunca probaste nada!

Y veo q solo te has limitado a contestar las partes de un mensjae q se dirigina a la pelea de cheung, e enciam la parte mas mala del mensjae ese...contesta todo lo otro!!! a todos los de wingt nos parece mala esa pelea, pero se lo ha dicho a titulo de ejemplo ..contesta todo lo demas, VA! contesta desde un ppio todo lo q debes contestar porq en todos tus mensjaes siempre ahs contestado lo q te conviene


Mensaje por Juancho » 08 Nov 2002 21:28


No ha dicho cosas tan ofensivas, en eso estoy de acuerdo, solo ha dicho informacion como tu dices, pero con el pequeño detalle de q es : falsa, o por lo menos no la ha podido demostrar. si quiere mostrar la verdad de algo con todo gusto le leere y si me aprece correcto adoptare esa posicion, pero no ha parado de hablar de cosas q no tienen nada q ver, y encima no ha probado nada. para eso yo tambien me pongo a habalr de cosas, y te digo q el wt es mejor q el wc porq yo vi una pelea en el aconcagua, y q tengo mil pruebs para demostrate q el wc en realidad es falso (pero no te muestro ninguna), q soy tal persona y q estudie con tals otros, etc, etc. tu dices q su opinion vale mas q la de otros, no creo q sea asi, priemro porq no sabemos si todo lo q dice es cierto, si realmente ha sido eso en alemania y zuiza, etc, pero suponiendo q sea cierto, de todo lo q ah dicho no ha mostrado una puta prueba...y eso q ha dicho muchas cosas eh! q credibilidad tiene informacion al aire? ninguna.... si prara las cosas es otro tema.

ademas, el empezó todo este lio, nadie se habia referido de mala manera al wc ni nada pro el estilo, cada uno dio su opinion sobre q les precia q eran las diferencias, y él solito ha empezado todo este embrollo q nunca ha podido probar. Cuando pruebe todo lo q ha dicho estarmeos satisfechos, pero mientras tanto q se deje de hablar cosas, porq habla y habla pero al final no prueba nada...ya tiene mucho pro probar, q empeize por algo, porq con esa foto no ha logrado nada mas q su humillacion.

Forero Activo
Forero Activo
Mensajes: 143
Registrado: 23 Oct 2002 12:45

Mensaje por PAI LEE » 08 Nov 2002 22:32

Hola Chavales


Gracias parece que nos emos entendido.


Entiendo que estes mosqueado a nadie le custa que digan algo necativo de su estilo.
Pero ten en cuenta que yo tambien fui ace mucho tiempo uno que practico WT. No quiero hablar de mi pero me obligas metiendote conmigo.
1. Nunca e dicho que yo soy el Instructor numero 1
2. No practico ni enseño lla WT ni Wing Chun sino otras AAMM
3. No e dicho nunca que el Wing Chun es mejor que el WT(aunque para mi lo es)
4. Cuando se abla de estilos de Wing Chun es el nobre comun que se le da. Pero el Linaje de Willam Cheung no tiene nade que ver con el de Yip Chun, Lo Man Kam, Duncan Leung, Lok Yiu etc., etc. cada sistema es tan diferente del otro que se tiene que ver en persona para poder opinar.
5. Es mi opinion y para eso estan los foros, que Kerni os esta encañando(aunque alcunus se lo merecen!) y que Leung Ting no es sincero.
6. Que 500 000 personas practiquen WT solo quiere desir que sois los mejores vendiendo y hacindo buplicidad.
7. Mi opinion es que el Wt puede ser tan valido como cualquier otra AAMM depende del que lo practique.
8. Con 500 000 practicantes tendriais que tener por lo menos 5000 tios como Emin y no solo uno(1x500000).
9. Yo creo que las Fotos son verdaderas que pa ti no lo son, bueno tu problema.

Hai un Chaval que lo echaron de la EWTO cuando lla era Sifu. El motivo fue porque se avia ido a entrenar a Hong Kong con Leung Ting sin permiso de Kernspecht.
Bueno que iso este buen hombre, se fue a aprender todo el sistema a la escuela de Allan Fong el numero 2 del WT despues de Leung Ting.

Quieres saber que es lo que piensa Allan Fong de este Chaval y la opinion de este Chaval sobre la EWTO?


Esta carta se la escribio Allan Fong a Kerni

Y esto es lo que piensa este Chaval de loque os estan enseñando ahora mismo en la EWTO

Just to make some things clear:

1st: I'm not willing to take "just" anybody into my organisation, the IWKA. People with the right motivation to learn and spread the authentic wingtjun as I learned from ggm Leung Ting, are always welcome.

2nd: Because of this very reason I decided to cooperate with Dai-Sifu Reimers, who is already a master of WT. There's much speculation about the EWTO WingTsun and my WingTjun. First of all it's not my WingTjun. WT does not belong to anybody, not KRK, not mine, not Reimer's, not Boztepe's and even not Leung Ting's. WT is a martial art and a part of Chinese culture. Because of certain people having huge ego's, certain things are not being taught: It's like giving the pistol without the bullets.

Summarised, the differences are:

In several sections about 25 percent of the movements are missing. But for sure that's not the most important part. The main difference lies in the concepts and the motto's, which are just not being taught and these two things make the "bullets".
About the weapons, that's a whole other "ballgame". It's just not thaught correctly within the EWTO.
Don't put words in my mouth; I really don't know why. It's just that after training and comparing the weapons with Dai-Sifu Reimers, we both agreed that the version I learned, is much more superior to the version he learned.
Again, to make it very clear: I don't see myself as the better martial artist compared to Dai-Sifu Reimers, let's just say I was maybe closer to the source. Let's leave it by that!
I want to thank Joergen for having this forum, it's a good medium to get things across.

Dai-Sifu Sergio Iadarola

Aqui algunas fotillos para que no puedas decir que lo e escrito yo, pero seguro que me vas a decir que no son de verdad!

Sergio y reimers



Bild: die Mitglieder der IWKA-Alianz beim gemeinsamen Training in Amsterdam;
v.l.n.r. Sifu Martin Dragos, Sifu Sergio Iadarola, Sifu Hans-Jörg Reimers, Sifu Niko Chatzilascaris

Juancho.....tio, que no te enteras!

Si para ti el WT es fenomenal, pues estupendo, pero deja a los otros estilos en paz!

Saludo Amigos

Pai Lee


Mensaje por Juancho » 08 Nov 2002 23:35

hola pai lee, hablemos civilizadamente, sinceramente q no se ingles, te ha "agradezco" las pruebas y espero q sigas mostrando mas, no es pura critica lo q te hago, pero siempre hablas sin probar nada, esta vez, aunq yo no enteinda se ve q has querido porbar algo, me gustaria q sigas probando cosas porq creo q a todos los practicantes de wt nos interesa saber un poco si es el verdadero o no, aunq lo q fundamentalmente nos interesa es la efectividad. si peudes traducir lo q has escrito, o resumirme q se ha dihco te agradezco.

ahora bien, ya he visto q has dejado wt y q enseñaste wc 10 años o algo así, ahora et pregunto:
¿porq cambiaste de wt a wc?
¿q diferencias positivas le has encontrado? (trata en lo posible de hablarme de aspecto referidos a la efectividad, es decir, q diefencias encontraste en cuanto a la tecina q has visto superiro en el wc y no en el wt, no sólo me contestes lo q ya has dicho..q nos engañan, etc, etc)
¿porq has cambiado el wc o wt por otros estilos? ¿y por cuales?

ahora paso a contestarte yo a ti:

1. yo nunca dije q eras el numero 1, sino q eras el 1ero en zuiza, y eso lo has dicho tu, no yo.
3. lo hayas dicho o no, quiero saber porq? ya et lo he preguntado antes
4. todos esos estilos crees tu q sonmejores q el wt? (te pregunto, no es critica)
8. tu sabes vien q no tenemos solo 1, tenemos grandes luchadores de wt, nose si llegaran a los creo q todos sean de ese calibre, pero hay muchos buenos, de hecho te podria decir q cada sifu q es represnetante de cada pais en el mundo, es bueno
9. yo lo dudo, lo de leung ting q puso atila me ha parecido muy logico tambien, no solo lo q escribio leung ting (q tambin es importante porq segund él todo esta probado en documentos q esa foto fue anterior, y q demas hay mucahs mas fotos en su libro, pero yo no lo tengo, habria q comprarlo), sino eso q dice q en cuanto al cuerpo puede ser, porq era cierto q yip man era muy pequeño..y sentado le llega casi a los hombros, asiq el tipo de la foto no es tan grande como tu dices ¿te parece malo ese argumento? (y te lo pregutno bien, no por el mero hecho de si sirve el argumento como para ganar la discucion, pero no te parece logico? de hehco a mi me parece mas logico eso, pero quiero saber tu opinon)

Y otra cosa, yo dejo a los otros estilos en paz, nunca he dicho nada malo de ninguno, solo me referí al wc, y no lo he desperstigiado, creo q nadie ha dicho q es MALO o q no sirva. asiq en todo caso seria: deja en paz al wc, porq depues nunca me meti con otros estilo.

espero tu respuestas, y en lo posible mas pruebas

p.d. no soy necio, es decir, si presentas pruebas buenas te las aceptare, no dire porq si como tu piensas: "pero seguro que me vas a decir que no son de verdad! " me parecen ciertas als aceptare, pero sicneramente como ya te he dicho y ya te he dado mis fundamentos, la foto esa q has mostrado antes deja mucho q desear

Forero Nuevo
Forero Nuevo
Mensajes: 16
Registrado: 10 Nov 2002 02:13

Pai Lee

Mensaje por WTKid » 10 Nov 2002 02:52

Sr Pai Lee,
Yo si creo en WT y me encanta, decir q lo he entrando en otros paises y q no teien nada q ver en casa sitio, asi q posiblemente si usted practico wt en alemania o en suiza no tenga demasiada idea de lo q hacemos aqui en España. Yo lo he entrenado en Usa Inglaterra y Dinamarca. A paret de haber entrenado con alemanes, un frances y un griego.
Tambien he entranado wc con gente como randy Willimas, Simon Lau Victor Khan o Austin Goh (y muchos otros instructores de otrso linages). Asi q creo mi vision bastante objetiva.
de todas formas contar esto no es la intencion del post, y si la de pedir q me cuente de donde pudo sacar la informacion( tanta la q tiene) sobre wt. A pesar de q no este de acuerdo con usted he disfrutado mucho de sus posts y me han parecido muy interesantes asi q si pudiera me gustaria seiguira con sus pruebas y argumentos.
Por cierto no me ha quedaddo muy claro Reimers ha sido expulsado? yo estuve hace no mucho con alumno suyo. Quiene es el tal Sergio de la foto?
Muchas gracias por todo
estoy ene spera de mas y nueva informacion


Mensaje por Invitado » 10 Nov 2002 14:39

En mi opinión Pai Lee le ha hecho un serio favor a mas de un practicante de WT y le ha evitado algun que otro susto. Los argumentos y pruebas aportados por Pai Lee no se si serán reales, o si serán suficientes, lo cierto es que creo que han servido para sembrar un mínimo de duda en aquellos que "creen" en el WT. No se trata de una religión, ni el hecho de practicar WT te hace intocable. Ya se que muchos no pensaban eso, pero me temo que algunos sí. Probablemente a partir de ahora practicaran con cierto sentido crítico evaluando si funciona lo que hacen, y no simplemente creyendo que va a funcionar. O tal vez se sientan engañados y sigan buscando ese arte perfecto, superior a todos. En ese caso que se preparen pq van a buscar durante mucho tiempo.

Un saludo


Pai Lee

Mensaje por Necroniano » 10 Nov 2002 17:15

Estimado Pai Lee:

Como practicante de WT he de decirte que no me importa realmente si el estilo se lo sacó Leung Ting de la manga o no, ya que a mi me gusta y lo que vengo buscando en mi entrenamiento es efectividad y realismo.

Antes yo practicaba Karate Shotokai (no confundir con Shotokan). Este estilo concedía importancia especial a las formas y a la perfección de las técnicas. No entrenaba buscando efectividad y es un estilo que sigo practicando de vez en cuando (sólo 1 hora a la semana...).

En el estilo que yo antes practicaba si se le concede importancia al "linaje" debido a que es un estilo NO CIENTIFICO.

Ya estaba enterado de la corrupción existente en la cúpula del WT. Y de hecho te agradezco tu molestia en publicar los reportajes, fotos y cartas. Me han resultado de gran interés y te animo a que sigas compartiendo este tipo de información.

En cuanto al tipo de práctica te diré que en España el WT No se practica como en el resto de Europa. A muchos practicantes españoles No nos gustaría tener el sistema de exámenes que tienen por ejemplo en Inglaterra. Según he oído fuera de España se usa mucho el Blitz como programa de entrenamiento...

He de reconocer que si empiezo a notar que ya no me satisface mi entrenamiento, lo primero que haré será hablar con mi Sifu. Y si las cosas se ponen "feas" yo no tendría ningún inconveniente en cambiar de organización.

Por ahora te diré que estoy muy satisfecho en la OEWT. Esto es más que nada porque estoy satisfecho con la enseñanza que recibo y no tengo EN ABSOLUTO la impresión de estar siendo timado (mi presupuesto es mas bien bajo y me vería en un gran aprieto si me cobrasen para un examen o seminario algunas de las cifras que leo por ahi...).

Finalmente deseo expresar mi rechazo hacia los comentarios subidos de tono que se han leido en este y otros Topics en general. Me parece [/b]una vergüenza que un Artista Marcial o un colectivo tenga discusiones del tipo "Mi Arte es mejor, tu eres imbécil y si no te parto la cara".

Recordad que se puede tener algún lapsus de vez en cuando. Pero lo mínimo que se puede hacer en este caso es disculparse (como he visto hacer a alguno y me ha parecido loable por su parte).

Me despido aplaudiendo tu gran aporte de información a los practicantes de WT. Yo ya sabía que no es un sistema perfecto, pero hay alguno por ahí que no lo sabía y que ahora tendrá un sentido más crítico con lo que aprende.


Forero Activo
Forero Activo
Mensajes: 143
Registrado: 23 Oct 2002 12:45

Mensaje por PAI LEE » 11 Nov 2002 02:05

Hola Chavales

Bueno espero que os sirva un poco para abrir los ojos!


Me parece que eres una persona muy sensata y estoy de acuerdo con tigo! :wink:


De los Sifus de Wing Chun que me as numerado el que a mi mas me gusta es Simon Lau aunque si practicara aun el WIng Chun lo haria con Sifu Duncan Leung, para mi el mejor!

Si Reimers a sido expulsado y se a juntado con un grupo de exSifus de la EWTO que ahora estan con Allan Fong.

Sergio es el Chaval que llevaba la EWTO en Olanda.
Lo echaron por ir a estudiar a Hong Kong y con Allan Fong sin permiso de Kerni. Se le estan juntando cada vez mas gente del WT, por que parese que sabe todo el sistema de Leung Ting y se lo enseña sin grandes secretos a todo el mundo.


Me parese fenomenal que podemos hablar civilizadamente! :D

Cambie del WT al Wing Chun por que en unos de los muchos desafios que se hisieron en los años 80 le dieron un palizaso al entonces Jefe del WT para suiza el señor Peter Prezmecky!

Bueno yo soy uno que le custa entrenar muy duro. El WT, el Linaje Yip Chun y Lo Man Kam no me custan porque son demasiado blandos en las tecnicas.
Me custa mas un Wing Chun dinamico como el que hace Sifu Duncan Leung.
El peor de todos me parese el WT de Kerni. Por que a estirado demasiado todo el sistema. Vende tecnica por tecnica. El Blitz Defens y el Lat Sao no tiene nada que ver con el Wing Chun es un invento de Kerni.
El Chi Sao no es correcto enseñarlo ni practicarlo en secciones. Lo mas importante en el Wing Chun son los conceptos del combate y su logico conjunto en el WT tal como lo enseña Kerni se esta siempre ocultando lo esencial.
Bueno esto es mi opinion, lo que no quiere decir que sea correcta!

1. Me corigo "uno de los primeros"
3.Ariba lo explico
4.No mejores. Mas sinceros!
8.No dudo que cada uno sea muy bueno en lo suyo(Maestros de WT), pero de eso, a ser buenos luchadores hay mundos!
9. Bueno sobre la Foto. No es una cosa mia sino una cosa que sacaron otra gente. De todas formas te pongo lo que saben todos aqui y cada uno que piense lo que quiera!

In the internet somes rumours were heard about manipulated photos. I was quite interested in that matter and decided to get hold of that special material. So I searched the net, read articles about this and that and finally got my hands on a genuine chinese newspaper; thanks to Philipp for sending me a copy of it.

If there was a kind of organisation in the Ving Tsun world to certify the qualities of a disciple depending on the teacher’s skills everyone who learned Ving Tsun under Yip Man would receive the highest grades of honour. Yip Mans name appears to be a kind of certificate for his disciple‘s skills.

Knowing about that it’s quite easy to understand why it’s a rather good way to let the world know that someone learned under Yip Man. And there’s a simple way to do that: Just publish a photo showing you with Yip Man in a classical pose proving the relationship between the both of you.

The following photograph (referred to as pic 1) shows a WellKnownPerson together with Yip Man. The photo was found on page 13 of an early edition of "Wing Chun Kuen", published by Leung Ting.

Impressive, isn’t it ? – But there’s a slight loss in authenticity if one has a closer look at a second photo (referred to as pic 2), published on page 65 of the same edition:

Having both photos in sight you’ll notice the following with pic 1: Both ears of the WellKnownPerson are in full sight, the distance between the ear’s edges and the head is equal. That means that the WellKnownPerson looks straight into the camera. Reflexes of light appear in the exact middle of WellKnownPerson’s glasses making it obvious that the light source‘s angle is the same as the camera’s angle.

It’s a bit amazing that a little shadow drops to the wall next to WellKnownPerson’s head and just above the left shoulder. This can only happen if the light source was located far to the left. It is not - as you can easily see that neither Yip Man’s body does drop a shadow nor the rest of WellKnownPerson’s body does. So only WellKnownPerson's head does drop a shadow - this could only happen if his head altered the physical characteristics of light - or the photo itself had been altered. You’ll share my opinion that the probability of light’s physics being changed is not that high...

More: WellKnownPerson's neck appears to be shortened, his head’s width increased in an interesting way, strands of hair drop at the exact places where they dropped in the other photo, just contrast, brightness and granularity differ as the inclination of his head does: The heads are identical.

It appears WellKnownPerson's head had been cut out of pic 2, brightness, contrast and granularity had been adapted to match the visual characteristics of pic 1.

The two mistakes are as follows:
1) A shadow drops where no shadow could appear according to the location of the light source.
2) Pic 2 can be found in the same edition of Leung Tings book making it easy to discover that the heads shown on different photos are identical.

WellKnownPerson shows an easy way to become a "student" of Yip man – in less than 20 minutes. A short time later both photos were removed from Leung Tings book. A strange matter of coincidence, isn’t it ?

It was easy to remove the two revealing photos from the book but it was impossible to remove the original picture from the archives of chinese newspapers where we found the following photo:

The photo shows Yip Man together with a reporter called Lee Man. It’s not too difficult to discover that this picture is identical with pic 1 with the exception that in this case the authentic head sits on the shoulders of the man next to Yip Man.

Whatever the intentions ofWellKnownPerson were when he manipulated the authentic picture – was it worth it ? – Was it worth lying, cheating, to become irreverent against Yip Man by using his photo in a misleading way ?

WellKnownPerson built up the world’s largest Wing Chun association, he appears to be a man with many skills – in fighting and in commercial respects.

The only question is why he didn’t have the self-confidence to tell the world the truth.

More to come !

Joshua Handins with friendly thanks to TheImageConcepts Research Facility, NJ, USA.


La pagina de la revista Original. No quiero decir nada ni suponer nada comparad ustedes mismos!



No te quiero traducir los documentos por que, primero supone mucho trabajo, secundo quiero que la gente lo lea y entiendan tal como lo quiso el autor.

Saludos Amigos

Pai Lee

Forero Activo
Forero Activo
Mensajes: 143
Registrado: 23 Oct 2002 12:45

Mensaje por PAI LEE » 11 Nov 2002 02:49

Hola Chavales

Como muchos de ustedes me han pedido mas documentos vamos aver un poco de que va la historia EWTO - Emin Boztepe. El unico que tiene un combate relativemente importante. :roll:

Asi empezo todo y asi esta hasta hoy:


Los Angeles, 7.18.2001
Ein offener Brief an die Gemeinde des asiatischen Kampfsports
von Emin Boztepe

Wenn die Würde und Ehre eines Mannes angegriffen wird, so sieht er sich dazu gezwungen, sich selbst zu verteidigen. Aus tiefem Respekt gegenüber dem asiatischen Kampfsport und als engagierter und erfahrener Praktiker, fühle ich mich dazu verpflichtet, die unfairen und unwahren Bemerkungen, die gegen meinen Namen und meine Person geäussert wurden, kundzutun.

Es macht mich sehr traurig, dass Gier und persönliche Interessen die Motivation für diesen ungerechten Angriff sind. Es ist gerade dann erschreckend, wenn mein Ziel, zu Gunsten aller, von Anfang an die weltweite Verbreitung von Wing Tsun und Escrima war. Herr Keith R. Kernspecht, Vertreter des Haupteinkommen der Grandmaster Leung Ting¹s Association, hat eine vorsätzliche Hetzkampagne gegen mich eingeleitet, um meinen Namen und meinen Ruf bei Schülern und Praktikern des asiatischen Kampfsports zu diskreditieren. Dies ist besonders unerfreulich, da er mich viele Jahre lang dazu benutzte, so denn es finanzielle Vorzüge bot, um neue Schüler in seine European Wing Tsun Organization (EWTO) einzuführen. Es ist allgemein bekannt, dass mein Name und mein Ruf einen erheblichen Einfluss auf die Entwicklung und den rapiden Wachstum seiner EWTO gehabt haben. Die Mitglieder, die ich eingeführt habe, sind inzwischen die Haupteinnahmequelle und -unterstützung von Herrn Kernspecht. Herr Kernspecht ist die gleiche Person, die mich momentan aus egoistischen Gründen diskreditieren will.

Ich habe kein Bedürfnis meine Leistungen aufzuzählen, für mich selbst zu werben oder anderen übel nachzureden - dies ist nicht die Art unter asiatischen Kampfsportlern. Taten sprechen lauter als Worte und es ist jedem in der ganzen Welt bewusst, was ich in den letzten 15 Jahren für EWTO und die Grandmaster Leung Ting¹s Association getan habe. Da meine Versuche misglückt sind, diese Angelegenheit privat zu regeln, sehe ich mich dazugezwungen, sämtliche Verbindungen, sowohl private als auch professionelle, mit Herrn Keith R. Kernspecht und der EWTO abzubrechen.

Glücklicherweise, werde ich weiterhin Grandmaster Leung Ting und Grandmaster Rene Latosa in Nordamerika vertreten und auch die WT (Wing Tsun) und Latosa Escima Logos und Embleme fortan benutzen. In Europa werde ich den Namen ³Emin Boztepe Martial Arts System² (EBMAS) benutzen, um Konflikte und Misidentifikation mit meiner Lehre zu vermeiden, und um meinen Respekt für die Grandmaster Leung Ting und Rene Latosa zu bewahren. Ich bin ihnen sehr dankbar und fühle mich geehrt, dass sie mich auch weiterhin in meinem Bestreben unterstützen, diese unglaubliche Kunst, die sie über so viele Jahre mittels Privattraining und Recherchen entwickelt haben, zu verbreiten und zu lehren.

Sollte einer der beiden Meister mich in zukunft nicht mehr öffentlich vertreten können aufgrund externem finanziellen Drucks der EWTO, so weiss ich, dass dies nichts mit philosophischen Meinungsverschiedenheiten zu tun hat, und dass wir auch weiterhin in engem persönlichen Kontakt bleiben werden.

Ehrlichkeit und Loyalität sind wichtige Qualitäten in einem Menschen; nicht nur bei asiatischen Kampfsportlern. Ehrlichkeit verbreitet Verständnis und Loyalität und hält Schüler und Lehrer zusammen. Nichtsdestotrotz, diese Qualitäten müssen aus beiden Richtungen kommen. Schüler als auch Lehrer müssen wissen und verstehen, wie sie ihren Gegenüber ehren. Leider wird dies manchmal vergessen, wenn Geiz und Ambitionen ihr hässliches Gesicht zeigen.

Jederman hält seine Zukunft in den eigenen Händen und ich nehme den neuen Weg in meinem Leben mit offenen Armen auf. Mit Hilfe des spirituellen Proviants von Grandmasters Leung Ting
und Rene Latosa, deren Lehren ich mich weiterhin widme, und mit der Unterstützung von den vielen wunderbaren und loyalen Schülern weltweit, werde ich auch in zukunft die asiatischen Kampfsportarten verbreiten, die während der letzten 27 Jahre einen Grossteil meines Lebens ausgemacht haben.

Mit Hochachtung für Wing Tsun, Escrima und dem asiatischen Kampfsport,

Emin Boztepe


Personal Statement regarding the development in the case of Sifu Emin Boztepe,
Amsterdam, 24-07-2001

Oh boy, just when I think I might have some easy days in front of me, something happens…
In the last couple of days I got more than 50 mails regarding the actual situation about my Sihing Sifu Emin Boztepe.

Hmm. I really don't feel the need for politics anymore. But I have (as a national chief instructor of the Leung Ting-system) of course the duty to give a statement regarding this particular case.

I know Sifu Boztepe for 20 years. We were not always friends but we settled our personal twist already 15 years ago. And we have a relative good relationship now. So, I don't want to inflict new pain on old healed wounds and let the past be the past. Somehow, the recent development forces me to react, to prevent too much disturbing within my own WT-organisation (NWTO).

The main problem of the whole now escalated situation has to do with two things:

1. Dai-Sifu Kernspecht asked all of his instructors in a letter not to give WT-seminars around the date of the 25-year-EWTO-Anniversary. Otherwise the students would need to decide where to go and what to miss - and the Anniversary should be supported by all available forces.

My opinion is that it is correct to assume, that the Anniversary should be number one. It is about our celebration and all the things we accomplished TOGETHER. So, I followed gladly the wish of my Si-Fu and gave no WT-seminars within the given data. There is enough time for teaching the rest of the year, so I can't see the urgent need of 'disobeying' the given 'order'. That's what I can't understand - even now, especially when it comes to seminars given outside the own WT-country.

2. This point is even more serious. Sifu Boztepe brought out new videos regarding WT. First of all: there are regulations within the IWTA/EWTO when it comes to international publishing of WT related stuff. The national WT-instructors are free to do what they might think will work for their country, but when it comes to projects outside their license area they need permissions to do so. There are a lot of reasons why this kind of control makes sense.

The people might for instance get the impression, that their local instructor may simply be not good enough to produce own English Videos. Also with mass production the presented quality is mostly not really what you might call 'state-of-the-art. The videos are normally not good enough to instruct WT-people but for other people maybe still enriching enough… So, what could be the purpose? Making 'some quick bucks' or making other fighters smarter, before they enter our schools for trouble… I could have produced a couple of professional WT-video-series already many years ago. But I refused to do so, mainly because the video production does also international business and I didn't wanted to fish in someone else's water.

I think it is necessary to protect the national rights of the WT-instructors. It can't be that I get the surprising offer by phone to buy a license to sell WT-videos in my country 'before someone else will do it'. Because of this reason I can understand quite well, that my Si-Fu (who get the same 'offer' by phone) is very disappointed by this chosen business approach.

Also the content of the first video is a point of discussing, the three main points of critics are:

1. Sifu Boztepe didn't mentioned GM Leung Ting (and his shirt is covered by his jacket) in the WT-related video in any way.

2. He explains his OWN Streetdefence-system, which looks actually a lot like Dai-Sifu Kernspecht's Blitzdefence-strategy.

3. He criticised his Si-Fu (indirectly but openly) through his 'This… is wrong' examples.

This is a hard subject for me. On one hand I can understand the ambitious motivations of my Sihing but on the other hand there are strict rules within any big organisation, why it should be different within the IWTA/EWTO? And rules must be followed by everyone, student or master, otherwise we can't follow our own high-set standards.

I think that it is still possible to find a solution for this for every WT-follower unpleasant situation. I don't believe, that Sihing Emin can count on he support of GM Leung Ting and GM Rene Latosa, even through he claims that, if he will not stick to any of the given rules. Also I can't appreciate what (and the way) he wrote about Dai-Sifu Kernspecht. Even in 'the heat of the battle' you should show respect to your Si-Fu; but I guess that the subject is still too emotional to negotiate.

That his EBMAS should allow him to surf around freely in any WT-licence area he wants will definitely bring no good things with it, I'm sure. My own company next to the NWTO, the SCD b.v., has a completely different function and purpose and is not acting at all on the field of martial arts. That's why I can't see a reason in founding the EBMAS, unless it is to use as a 'backdoor'.
I can't understand, why such a great martial art practitioner needs this kind of separation. Sifu Emin Boztepe is definitely a very capable WT-master and he will find his way for sure, but has it really to be like that? I think both sides deserve a better solution.

What does it mean for the NWTO?

Every lost of a great source is painful. In the past I have invited Sifu Boztepe a couple of times to Amsterdam and we always have had great workouts. Before the whole situation I was thinking of the next opportunity for an invitation but this plan of course is frozen by now. I really hope, that he will change his mind and will be open again for communication with his Si-Fu. I know that Si-Fu is always willing listening.
Sometimes the ego can be the worst enemy!

For the rest not much will change in Holland. We have not lost or gain any student or income because Sifu Boztepe is representing WT, even when he did some Demos in Rotterdam (unexpected…) and Amsterdam (invited). Also his appearance with the free fighters was not too helpful (about "saving my ass" with "my" problems HE inflicted). I need no one to solve MY problems, but I like to help others if they want, like with the Bas Rutten incident, which has cost me a lot of time and energy. The NWTO had to fight with more seriously problems in the past 15 years and even if the worst case scenario will happen (his exclusion) we will survive this as well.

Yep, communication gabs are everywhere, even among the best. Let's learn from it!
If you have any problems that need to be communicated, please use any opportunity to share your thoughts, before they are grown unspeakable…

Best wishes,

Sifu Frank Schäfer

5th master degree WT (Leung Ting-system)
Dutch representative IWTA & EWTO
Chief instructor NWTO, Managing director SCD b.v.


Telephone Interview with Sifu Sonneberg and Sifu Webb
(conducted by AWTA Public Relations Coordinator Michael Peter)

MP: Sifu Sonnenberg, can you please elaborate on the structure of the AWTA and the plans for the future?

Sifu Sonnenberg: Sure, the AWTA was founded by myself and my Si-dai Jeff Webb on behalf of Si-Fu Leung Ting. It was his wish that his loyal followers had a place to flock when the current problems with the former AWTO began to get out of hand. The AWTA is planned to be registered in the name of our Grandmaster with all his loyal instructors as supporting members.

MP: Sifu Webb, are you and Sifu Sonnenberg the heads of the AWTA? Please clarify...

Sifu Webb: It is important to note that this association, although founded by myself and Sifu Sonnenberg it NOT our personal property. We are acting as agents, the assistants or representatives if you will, of our Si-Fu. This thing is totally under his control, his direction and his authority. GGM Leung Ting is the permanent president and chairman of the AWTA. We are happy to do our part and stand ready to participate in whatever capacity he wants us to.

MP: Sifu Sonnenberg? Any comments?

Sifu Sonnenberg: Si-dai Jeff is correct, our Grandmaster has asked us to assist him in addition to several others like Mike Adams, Ralph Haenel and Sifu William Parker. We have all been in contact with our Si-Fu in Hong Kong and are acting on his wishes. Grandmaster made it clear to me that morning and wanted it to be known that the AWTA will ultimately be an "instructors organization." When he arrives later this fall, we will have a large seminar and at that time he will delegate certain instructors to his board of directors. Also, as Si-dai Jeff said, this AWTA is in the name of Grandmaster himself. We are busy setting up the association, bank accounts, logos, etc. in his name. Everything will be totally on the "up-and-up" per his request.

MP: What about Sifu Emin, I mean what is the relationship like between you two and him?

Sifu Sonnenberg: Sifu Emin was invited over in the late 1980's by myself and Sifu Robert Jacquet. We were happy to have a fighter of his calibre to help grow the organization. In fact, despite our occasional differences I have always supported him per the wishes of Grandmaster afterall we asked him to come over. Unfortunately things quickly became complicated between Sifu Emin and his own Si-Fu Keith Kernspecht in the past few years and this ended up causing turmoil in the AWTO. Like most teachers, I am trying to build up my school and teach my students. Politics just get in the way. Now, we as WT professionals have to do our best to support Grandmaster in his decisions and rules -- he is the one ultimately in charge of WT around the whole world.

MP: Sifu Webb, I know you have received this question alot in the past couple of weeks, but what is your relationship with GM Kernspecht and how has that affected your decisions in this situation?

Sifu Webb: I thought I'd never hear that question again... (laughs) Do you know how many people have asked me that lately? GM Kernspecht is my Dai-Si-hing and I have known him for over 9 years. When I was a young airman stationed at Ramstein Airbase, I was away from the USA for the first time, away from family, friends, and of course I was FRESH out of boot camp. As a young guy at the time, it was a definate adjustment and a difficult one to be sure. Culture shock is something that happens, regardless of whether those around you are friendly or not. It was both daunting and exciting to be overseas and having the chance to learn WT from the famous EWTO. GM Kernspecht treated me well and made me feel welcome in his country. I was his only Si-dai in Germany and although I was low in rank at the time, he was very kind to me. Anyone who was at the Millennium Seminar in January 2000 can understand the charisma and energy this individual possesses. It's like being in the room with Sean Connery. I have always been humbled to know him and found him to be quite fair. It did however, cause some problems with Sifu Emin. Those two have not been on the best of terms for a few years and I had the feeling that Sifu Emin didn't approve of my "looking up" to my Si-hing. In truth, it did cause some arguments between Sifu Emin and myself, but I always followed Sifu Emin as I was told to by GGM Leung Ting and also by GM Kernspecht. These two were quite aware of the problems and always encouraged me to do the "right" thing by supporting Sifu Emin because they had put him in charge afterall. That is what I have done and would have continued to do had I not been kicked out of the AWTO for my loyalty to GGM Leung Ting.

MP: Sifu Sonnenberg, did you have anything to add?

Sifu Sonnenberg: Only that I didn't want to be involved in this problem in the first place. Si-dai Jeff didn't want to be involved either and the students of our Grandmaster here in the USA didn't want to be either. It was forced upon us and we remain loyal to our Si-Fu Leung Ting as I have for over 20 years. While I wish Sifu Emin all the best in his future, his path is not my path. I have absolutely no interest in following the Emin Boztepe Martial Art System. It should be obvious that I am interested in Leung Ting WingTsun, which is why I invited Grandmaster to the USA over 20 years ago and became his Dai To-Dai or senior USA student.

MP: Sifu Webb?

Sifu Webb: That's how I feel as well. Believe me when I tell you that I asked Sifu Emin several times not to be forced to make a decision on this. Would you want to make a decision between picking Sifu Emin and picking GGM Leung Ting? It's like a lose-lose situation and you are in the middle. But, in the past two years he and I had worked well together and this was kind of a shock to be put in the middle. I do feel bad for him despite his recent actions but I am not someone who takes kindly to threats. It is unprofessional behavior plain and simple. Even if he had remained in the WT family, I would have always felt differently after being threatened and I can't respect someone who does that. It's a bully mentality and not consistent with my beliefs. I teach my students to beat up thugs, not become thugs.

MP: Sifu Sonnenberg, I would like to give you the last words in this interview. Do you have a message for the loyal WT followers in the USA.

Sifu Sonnenberg: Yes, I invite everyone who is loyal to our Grandmaster to contact the nearest local representative and pledge your support. Already on board are Sifu Will Parker, Mike Adams, Sifu Steve Brandon, Ralph Haenel and others. You should contact these individuals or Sifu Jeff or myself. We are all behind Grandmaster 100% and are looking forward to his upcoming instructor seminar. Grandmaster has told me that he plans on spending about 3-4 months at a time in the USA and will be working directly with his future board of directors. He also told me he is going to bring some members of his Eastern European WT Organization over to assist him as well as serve as his personal bodyguards. These guys are former military and special forces types that he has been training in places like Hungary and other Eastern block nations. Si-Fu said these guys are tough and that they have been with him for a long time. I don't know much about the EWTO or the EEWTO but if Grandmaster gives out a compliment -- I wouldn't take it lightly.

MP: Sifu Sonnenberg and Sifu Webb, thank you.



As of this week of July 22, 2001, Emin Boztepe was expelled from the International WingTsun Association (IWTA) by its Great Grandmaster, Dr. Leung Ting. Emin, a former Sifu in the IWTA, was the chief instructor for GGM Dr. Leung Ting's American IWTA branch, the American WingTsun Organization (AWTO). Being that GGM Dr. Leung Ting has withdrawn his support from Emin Boztepe and the AWTO, Emin Boztepe and the AWTO no longer represent GGM Dr. Leung Ting's WingTsun System nor his IWTA.
Dr. Leung Ting, with the help of his eldest American students, has formed the new American IWTA branch, the American WingTsun Association (AWTA). The AWTA will be headed by GGM Dr. Leung Ting himself.

Emin was under scrutiny for a variety of reasons and had several 'consequences' levied against him by the leaders of the Leung Ting WT System. Emin continued to negate all attempts (the forming of his own 'martial arts system' the 'final cut') to resolve this efficiently and professinally. All arguments between the peoples aside, the leaders of the Leung Ting WT System attempted to resolve this matter quietly and professionally. In the words of GGM Dr. Leung Ting: "It is with deep sorrow that I hereby announce that the (AWTO) is no longer a member of my IWTA"


"I have seen open letter by my kung fu grandson (to-suen), Emin Boztepe, who has formed his "Emin Boztepe Martial Art System".

So from this date 23 July 2001, Emin Boztepe is no longer a member of IWTA and no more the chief instrcutor of my American branch.

Since he has obviously registered the name of my American Branch as the "American WingTsun Organization" (AWTO) under his own name, I have formed my new American branch under the new title "AMERICAN WINGTSUN ASSOCIATION" (AWTA).

From this date, the former (AWTO) has nothing to do with me and our (IWTA) anymore.

I will no longer support the (AWTO) and my ex-representative in the USA, Emin Boztepe, anymore.

Instructors and members of the old (AWTO) who want to remain members of the Leung Ting System of WingTsun and who want to keep their degrees and sifu titles must register with my newly formed AMERICAN WINGTSUN ASSOCIATION.

I hereby invite all my WT instructors to join our "Board of Instructors Committee" to form the new AWTA.

Sincerely yours,

Grandmaster Professor Leung Ting
Founder and World Chief Instrcutor of IWTA"


Erstveröffentlichung im Wing Tsun Forum
Geschrieben von von LT, K´s Marionette am 27.07.2001 03:52


Offener Brief an Emin Boztepe von Sifu RLB
[TEXTO EN ALEMAN. ELIMINADO, POR LARGO, INUTIL (no sabemos alemán), Y RALENTIZAR LA CARGA DE LA PAGINA. Sugerencia: poner un link al texto que se desee]

Forero Activo
Forero Activo
Mensajes: 143
Registrado: 23 Oct 2002 12:45

Mensaje por PAI LEE » 11 Nov 2002 03:07

[TEXTO EN ALEMAN. ELIMINADO, POR LARGO, INUTIL (no sabemos alemán), Y RALENTIZAR LA CARGA DE LA PAGINA. Sugerencia: poner un link al texto que se desee]


Due to differences, which could not be resolved between the EWTO and myself, I am hereby resigning effective immediately.

There are many factors, which led me to my decision:

Ø I felt the authenticity of my Escrima was being doubted. Word was being spread that my system was a copy of another system.

Ø I was placed in a situation where I had to choose between business, loyalty and friendships.

Ø There were various rumors floating around that I was in conflict with Great Grand Master Leung Ting, which I am not. I think this had
to do with the WT Weapons, which I know is an intricate part of the WT system and I believe it should be taught.

Ø Personal and confidential e-mails were being passed around and interpreted in the wrong way. For example, as a business
professional, there are many statements which relate to certain business practices, and an all too common phase reads something
like "history has a habit of repeating itself", and it meant that with old habits continuing, the same outcome will occur. I mentioned to
the individual, who my private e-mail was intended, that at the DACAU Concentration Camp, this is the last statement you read
before leaving, which to me is quite profound. My private e-mail was passed around, twisted, and misinterpreted to mean something
entirely different. Now I have people doubting my character. To me, passing around personal and confidential e-mails is a betrayal of
trust. Everyone who knows e-mail understands that anything can be added or deleted with a keystroke, so beware of what you read.

As an individual, I choose to leave the organization by personal choice. I know my system is in great hands with Master Bill Newman.
He is a great martial artist and there is no doubt to the excellent training students will get from this great man. I have not nor would I
ever put any pressure or even suggested to Master Bill to either follow me or stay with the EWTO which is a brilliant organization. It is
a difficult time for him as it is for me. He is a man who will make his own decision and I will always honor whatever he decides as I
expect everyone to do the same. I will always be his friend, and any amount of media and rumors will never change my feelings and
respect for him.

To those concerned, I am not affiliating myself with any other organization, group or individual in Europe. I have always been truthful to
all my students, defining the right vision, assuring the best quality, and providing the best instructions without regards to any politics. I
have tried to put my students before anything else, as I have always been a teacher first and a Great Grand Master second.

These times have caused me stress and time away from my family. They were becoming second to all the political turmoil, and they
deserve to be first.

I will not be drawn into any additional public battles or respond to further negative public comments. From this day forward, my energy
will be directed to teaching the Filipino Martial Arts.

Thank you all for having me as your instructor,

Rene Latosa

Bueno chavles como esta claro no voy a traducir, asi que imprimir y que alquien lo tradusca! :wink:

Saludos Amigos

Pai Lee
