Verdades de la glutamina...

Aquí se discute todos los temas relacionados con la musculación (entrenamientos, dietas, suplementos nutricionales, etc.)

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Forero Vicioso
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Verdades de la glutamina...

Mensaje por karkian » 20 Ago 2006 19:04

10.3. Glutamine
Here are the reasons to take glutamine.
1) Immune support. Supplemental use of glutamine, either in oral, enteral, or parenteral form, increases intestinal villous height, stimulates gut mucosal cellular proliferation, and maintains mucosal integrity. It also prevents intestinal hyperpermeability and bacterial translocation, which may be involved in sepsis and the development of multiple organ failure. One study reported that athletes reported fewer incidences of upper respiratory tract infections while supplementing with glutamine (2 grams) after they ran.

2) Gastrointestinal support. 70-80% of orally administered glutamine is absorbed into the cells of your GI tract. It remains there and is metabolized by those cells without ever reaching the blood stream (image). In sicknesses such as sepsis it has been shown to help improve survival because of improved GI tract function.
That’s pretty much it.
There is no real benefit for someone looking to build bigger muscles. That 10% of dietary glutamine that gets past the GI tract is taken up by the liver where it is converted into sugar (gluconeogenesis) and stored as glycogen in the liver.

Don't let in-vitro research fool you into thinking oral glutamine will have an effect on a healthy individuals muscle mass. Yes, glutamine does regulate protein synthesis to a certain extent under some situations. However, you can't make it happen by taking it orally. Don't let ads with some pro-bodybuilder holding a bottle of glutamine fool you. Even if that pro-bodybuilder is taking isn't doing anything for him either.
Here are a couple good "in-vivo" research studies to start with:
1. Candow DG, Chilibeck PD, Burke DG, Davison KS, Smith-Palmer T. Effect of glutamine supplementation combined with resistance training in young adults. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2001 Dec;86(2):142-9.
2. Antonio J, Sanders MS, Kalman D, Woodgate D, Street C. The effects of high-dose glutamine ingestion on weightlifting performance. J Strength Cond Res. 2002 Feb;16(1):157-60.

Keep in mind that if you are eating protein powders, especially any thing with whey in it, you are getting plenty of glutamine. The question of glutamines worth in the newsletter centered on its effect on building mass and/or strength, not anything to do with the gastrointestinal track.
In short, only 47-50% of orally administered glutamine can be expected to make it past the liver and other organs, into the blood stream. And only about 10% can be expected to reach extracellular spaces.[Bowtell JL, Gelly K, Jackman ML, Patel A, Simeoni M, Rennie MJ. Effect of oral glutamine on whole body carbohydrate storage during recovery from exhaustive exercise. Journal of Applied Physiology. 1999 Jun;86(6):1770-7] Now, this is the main argument against glutamine. 90% of the glutamine you take orally never even makes it to your muscles. This isn't to say it is wasted. Your GI tract loves glutamine from reasons explained earlier. If you are having intestinal problems nothing is better. If you are trying to increase protein synthesis by loading glutamine, it isn't going to work.

En pocas palabras esto dice que si tratas de ganar musculo suplementando con glutamina eso no va a funcionar...Ya que el 70-80% de la glutamina es absorvida por las celulas del tracto digestivo y otro 10% sera convertido en glucogeno...Por lo cual aunque consumas mucha glutamina esta no marcara la diferencia...Los beneficios de la suplementacion con glutamina es la mejora del tracto digestivo y sistema inmunologico..Uno de los posibles usos que se le puede dar es utilizarlo al estar enfermo para que de esta forma el sistema inmunologico no utilize la glutamina muscular como combustible...

Fuente:Faq de hst.

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Mensaje por kojikabuto » 20 Ago 2006 20:13

Aprovecho para preguntar:
Los que lleváis mucho en el gym supongo que alguna vez habréis estado enfermos (la gripe por ejemplo) y habéis pasado una semana en cama.
¿Se pierde tanto como dicen? ¿Para evitar perder músculo sería útil la glutamina?

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Forero Vicioso
Forero Vicioso
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Mensaje por karkian » 20 Ago 2006 23:26

¿Para evitar perder músculo sería útil la glutamina?
Siempre y cuando sea por efecto de una enfermedad...

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Forero Vicioso
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Mensaje por Victor-21 » 21 Ago 2006 01:05

kojikabuto escribió:Aprovecho para preguntar:
Los que lleváis mucho en el gym supongo que alguna vez habréis estado enfermos (la gripe por ejemplo) y habéis pasado una semana en cama.
¿Se pierde tanto como dicen? ¿Para evitar perder músculo sería útil la glutamina?
Si por una semana se pierden los resultados de vuestros entrenamientos....yo empezaria a cuestionar esos entrenamientos. :roll:

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Mensaje por Hoeberl » 21 Ago 2006 08:53

No se pierde nada, lo unico si vas al gym con catarro, gripe o algo por el estilo te encuentras algo mas flojo

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Mensaje por DannyDeVito » 21 Ago 2006 19:51

Como no sea la gripe aviaria...

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Forero Vicioso
Forero Vicioso
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Mensaje por karkian » 21 Ago 2006 22:09

No se pierde nada, lo unico si vas al gym con catarro, gripe o algo por el estilo te encuentras algo mas flojo
Yo no estoy hablando de una gripa,no estoy hablando en particular de ninguna enfermedad,pero si de una enfermedad que conlleve absoluto reposo...

Si por una semana se pierden los resultados de vuestros entrenamientos....yo empezaria a cuestionar esos entrenamientos.

Que quieres decir?La verdad no entiendo...

Añado otra cosa,otro factor que conlleva la perdida de musculo durante la enfermedad es que los niveles de testosterona bajan muy por debajo de lo normal ademas de que el cuerpo inhibe casi por completo toda funcion no absolutamente vital como la hypertrofia...Probablemente la glutamina no marque la diferencia en ese aspecto aunque no perdemos nada con probar, al contrario podemos evitar perdida de musculo...

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Mensaje por monku » 22 Ago 2006 00:35

Y a los que nos ha dado notables resultados que hacemos con ese estudio :sleeping: ??

No creo que se deba dar mucha importancia a este tipo de cosas, cuando hay otros tantos estudios que nos dicen lo contrario

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Forero Vicioso
Forero Vicioso
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Registrado: 07 Dic 2004 21:17

Mensaje por karkian » 22 Ago 2006 00:52

Y a los que nos ha dado notables resultados que hacemos con ese estudio ??
Atribuir los resultados a otra cosa supongo...

Ese no es el unico estudio que afirma eso:

College of Kinesiology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada.

The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of oral glutamine supplementation combined with resistance training in young adults. A group of 31 subjects, aged 18-24 years, were randomly allocated to groups (double blind) to receive either glutamine (0.9 g x kg lean tissue mass(-1) x day(-1); n = 17) or a placebo (0.9 g maltodextrin x kg lean tissue mass(-1) x day(-1); n = 14 during 6 weeks of total body resistance training. Exercises were performed for four to five sets of 6-12 repetitions at intensities ranging from 60% to 90% 1 repetition maximum (1 RM). Before and after training, measurements were taken of 1 RM squat and bench press strength, peak knee extension torque (using an isokinetic dynamometer), lean tissue mass (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry) and muscle protein degradation (urinary 3-methylhistidine by high performance liquid chromatography). Repeated measures ANOVA showed that strength, torque, lean tissue mass and 3-methylhistidine increased with training (P < 0.05), with no significant difference between groups. Both groups increased their 1 RM squat by approximately 30% and 1 RM bench press by approximately 14%. The glutamine group showed increases of 6% for knee extension torque, 2% for lean tissue mass and 41% for urinary levels of 3-methylhistidine. The placebo group increased knee extension torque by 5%, lean tissue mass by 1.7% and 3-methylhistidine by 56%. We conclude that glutamine supplementation during resistance training has no significant effect on muscle performance, body composition or muscle protein degradation in young healthy adults.

Fuente: ... ery_hl=101
