Conoceis e-tapout???

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Forero Vicioso
Forero Vicioso
Mensajes: 3445
Registrado: 28 Jun 2002 13:25
Ubicación: ASES/SAD Valencia

Conoceis e-tapout???

Mensaje por Pewee »

Es una web en la k creas tu luchador, le pones tus puntos elijes la estrategia y vas luchando contra otros y ganando tecnica, una tonteria pero yo me divierto, os pongo mi ultimo combate ganado por "hammerlock"

In the blue corner, standing 6'2" and weighing 215 lbs, representing SAD.. Pewee!
In the red corner, standing 6'2" and weighing 235 lbs, representing Team NJA.. Sean Frick!

The bell rings for the start of round 1.

Pewee grazes Sean Frick with a cross to the head.


Pewee feints a jab and takes Sean Frick down with a single leg.


Pewee is in Sean Frick's guard.


Pewee passes the guard into side mount and starts pounding Sean Frick's head with forearm strikes.


Sean Frick shoves Pewee off and they both stand up.


Sean Frick launches a right cross at Pewee's head but it gets slipped.


Pewee secures a front headlock on Sean Frick and takes him down with an ankle pick.


Pewee is in Sean Frick's guard.


Pewee breaks open the guard and attempts an ankle lock but Sean Frick explosively retracts his foot.


Both fighters scramble for position but end up disengaging and standing up.


Pewee shoots in for a double leg and slams Sean Frick down.


Pewee is in Sean Frick's guard.


Pewee passes the guard into rear mount but Sean Frick rolls around and shakes him off.


Both fighters mutually disengage and stand up.


Sean Frick misses with a cross but shoots and slams Pewee down with a double leg.


Sean Frick is in Pewee's guard.


Pewee grabs Sean Frick's arm and applies a hammerlock.


Pewee tightens the submission hold.


Sean Frick taps out!

No tengo tiempo para traducirlo pero si kereis lo copiais y lo pegais en un traductor y mas o menos se entiende.

y la web del juego es

Mensaje por Invitado »

¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿¿?? :o
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Forero Vicioso
Forero Vicioso
Mensajes: 3445
Registrado: 28 Jun 2002 13:25
Ubicación: ASES/SAD Valencia

Mensaje por Pewee »

Nuevo combate ganado por Pewee de nuevo!!!! y esta vez como los grandes!!! :lol: Actual record......7-3!!!

In the blue corner, standing 6'2" and weighing 215 lbs, representing SAD.. Pewee!
In the red corner, standing 6'6" and weighing 255 lbs, representing lalito.. Lomax!

The bell rings for the start of round 1.

Lomax throws a roundhouse kick at Pewee's leg but it gets checked.


Pewee pushes Lomax up against the ropes and takes him down with a double leg.


Pewee is in Lomax's guard.


Pewee passes the guard into side mount and applies an arm triangle choke.


Pewee tightens the submission hold.


Pewee tightens the submission hold.


Pewee tightens the submission hold.


Lomax taps out!
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Forero Adicto
Forero Adicto
Mensajes: 704
Registrado: 03 Oct 2002 17:00
Ubicación: IBIZA

Mensaje por Tarantino »

Oye Pewee, yo me he registrado en el juego ese, todavía no se como se juega, solo le he dado un par de veces a ACCEPT y ya pone que he ganado un combate.

Íncreible :o
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Forero Adicto
Forero Adicto
Mensajes: 704
Registrado: 03 Oct 2002 17:00
Ubicación: IBIZA

Mensaje por Tarantino »

In the blue corner, standing 5'10" and weighing 195 lbs, representing .. steveo!
In the red corner, standing 6'2" and weighing 215 lbs, representing Rhino.. Tarantino!

The bell rings for the start of round 1.

steveo shoots in for a single leg but Tarantino jumps back to avoid it.


steveo shoots in for a double leg but Tarantino sprawls and gets away.


steveo shoots in for a low single leg but misses and stands back up.


steveo shoots in for a single leg but Tarantino jumps back to avoid it.


steveo throws a jab at Tarantino's head but it gets parried.


steveo drives Tarantino into a ring post and secures a single leg but Tarantino whizzers it and escapes.


steveo charges in for a high double leg but Tarantino sidesteps it.


Tarantino misses with a cross but shoots and slams steveo down with a double leg.


Tarantino is in steveo's guard.


Tarantino passes the guard into knee on stomach and executes a straight arm bar.


Tarantino tightens the submission hold.


Tarantino tightens the submission hold.


Tarantino tightens the submission hold.


Tarantino tightens the submission hold.


steveo taps out!

:o :o
Avatar de Usuario
Forero Vicioso
Forero Vicioso
Mensajes: 3445
Registrado: 28 Jun 2002 13:25
Ubicación: ASES/SAD Valencia

Mensaje por Pewee »

Otra nueva victoria,jeje, toro mordiste el polvo :D
In the blue corner, standing 6'2" and weighing 215 lbs, representing SAD.. Pewee!
In the red corner, standing 6'2" and weighing 255 lbs, representing A.V.T... TORO!

The bell rings for the start of round 1.

Both fighters approach each other cautiously.


Pewee clinches with TORO and executes a duck under to side suplay takedown.


Pewee is in TORO's guard.


Pewee breaks open the guard and sits back into a heel hook.


TORO explodes out of the submission hold and gets back to his feet with Pewee following him up.


TORO leaps in and throws an overhand cross but Pewee ducks it.


Pewee grazes TORO with a cross to the head.


Pewee closes the gap and takes TORO down with a double underhooks to grapevine trip combination.


Pewee is in TORO's guard.


Pewee passes the guard into mount and starts pounding TORO's head with lefts and rights.


TORO covers up and scrambles to his feet with Pewee following him up.


Pewee feints a jab and takes TORO down with a single leg.


Pewee is in TORO's guard.


Pewee passes the guard into north south and executes a hammerlock.


TORO taps out!

Mensaje por Kitano »

Bueno, bueno. Aqui os presento mi última victoria. Por ahora llevo 3-0, pero en el siguiente combate me enfrento a DP (boxeador, 6 vic. 4 derrotas) que al tener más experiencia seguramente me hará morder el polvo.... o quizá no....

TORO, ahora estoy compitiendo en el torneo "open" de 195lbs para abajo, en cuanto me eliminen (no tengo posibilidades de ganar, aunque me pese reconocerlo) te concedo la revancha.

Tarantino, te he desafiado antes, pero tuve que retirar el desafío para competir en el torneo. Después de que TORO se tome su revancha, tu serás el siguiente...

Pewee, no soy tonto y sé que me falta experiencia para ganarte (me llevas más de 300 puestos en el ranking!!). Pero no lo dudes, algún dia te retaré... Y será para vencerte... (la verdad es que sería una chorrada retar a alguien para perder... )

Bueno, ahí va mi combate contra Gideon;

In the blue corner, standing 6'2" and weighing 175 lbs, representing Wolfighters.. Kitano!
In the red corner, standing 6'2" and weighing 215 lbs, representing billy.. Gideon!

The bell rings for the start of round 1.

Kitano obtains a plum clinch but Gideon breaks it and jumps back.


Kitano drives Gideon into a ring post and takes him down with a single leg.


Kitano is in Gideon's guard.


Gideon sits up and slaps on a guillotine choke.


Kitano slips out of the submission hold and stands up while Gideon bursts to his feet.


Gideon rushes in with a barrage of left and right punches to Kitano's head but they all get parried.


Kitano secures a plum clinch and grazes Gideon with several knee strikes to the head and then shoves him away.


Gideon chases Kitano around the ring.


Kitano hits Gideon with a roundhouse kick to the head.


The referee jumps in to stop the fight!
Neo Age

yo soy Nightmare

Mensaje por Neo Age »

oye me he equivocado en el nombre d emi equipo (NightNare Team, N en vez de M, ¿se puede cambiar?

Alguien me explica cuando se celebran los combates y si puedes decidir algo o son automaticos??????